Nasze publikacje
Three‐dimensional saline‐contrast sonovaginocervicography or virtual speculoscopy with HDlive: potential diagnostic tool for women with intact hymen or uterovaginocervical complex malformation
Virginity-sparing management of blind hemivagina in obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly syndrome
Uterine cavity imaging, volume estimation and quantification of degree of deformity using automatic volume calculation: description of technique
Unicornuate uterus and the noncommunicating functional horn: continued debate on the diagnosis, classification, and treatment
Ultrasound‐guided repeat intrauterine balloon dilatation for prevention of adhesions
Two- and Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography and Sonohysterography versus Hysteroscopy With Laparoscopy in the Differential Diagnosis of Septate, Bicornuate, and Arcuate Uteri
Transrectal Ultrasound-Guided Hysteroscopic Myomectomy of Submucosal Myomas With a Varying Degree of Myometrial Penetration
T-shaped uterus and subtle uterine variances: a need for reliable criteria
Septum resection does not improve reproductive outcomes: truly?
Septate uterus according to ESHRE/ESGE, ASRM and CUME definitions: association with infertility and miscarriage, cost and warnings for women and healthcare systems
Role of morphologic characteristics of the uterine septum in the prediction and prevention of abnormal healing outcomes after hysteroscopic metroplasty
Robert's uterus: modern imaging techniques and ultrasound‐guided hysteroscopic treatment without laparoscopy or laparotomy
Reproductive surgery for müllerian anomalies: a review of progress in the last decade
Reliability of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology/European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy and American Society for Reproductive Medicine classification systems for congenital uterine anomalies detected using three-dimensional ultrasonography
Reliability of hysteroscopy-based diagnosis of septate, arcuate and normal uterus: estimate or guestimate?
Regarding “Long-Term Reproductive Outcomes after Hysteroscopic Treatment of Dysmorphic Uteri in Women with Reproductive Failure: An European Multicenter Study”
Re: Outcome of assisted reproduction in women with congenital uterine anomalies: a prospective observational study. M. Prior, A. Richardson, S. Asif, L. Polanski, M. Parris‐Larkin, J. Chandler, L. Fogg, P. Jassal, J. G. Thornton, N. J. Raine‐Fenning. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2018; 51: 110–117.
Pre-, intra-, and postoperative management of Robert's uterus
Pain Intensity During Ultrasound Assessment of Uterine Cavity and Tubal Patency With and Without Painkillers: Prospective Observational Study
Overdiagnosis, overdetection, and overdefinition of the septate uterus: reexamination of the ASRM and ESHRE-ESGE criteria is urgently needed
Managing uterine artery pseudoaneurysm after myomectomy
Longitudinal vaginal septum: a proposed classification and surgical management
Letter to the Editor
Inter-Rater Reliability of Air/Saline HyCoSy, HyFoSy and HyFoSy Combined With Power Doppler for Screening Tubal Patency
Hysterosalpingo‐lidocaine‐foam sonography combined with power Doppler imaging (HyLiFoSy‐PD) in tubal patency assessment: ‘flaming tube’ sign
Evaluation of uterine niche by three‐dimensional sonohysterography and volumetric quantification: techniques and scoring classification system
Diagnostic rate and accuracy of the ESHRE–ESGE classification for septate uterus and other common uterine malformations: why do we not see that the Emperor is naked?
Diagnostic accuracy of three-dimensional sonohysterography compared with office hysteroscopy and its interrater/intrarater agreement in uterine cavity assessment after hysteroscopic metroplasty
Definitions, prevalence, clinical implications and treatment of T‐shaped uterus: systematic review
Cutaneous small‐vessel vasculitis following hysterosalpingo‐foam sonography (HyFoSy)
Counting ovarian antral follicles by ultrasound: a practical guide
Correct measurements of uterine fundal internal indentation depth and angle: an important but overlooked issue for precise diagnosis of uterine anomalies
Congenital Uterine Malformation by Experts (CUME): diagnostic criteria for T‐shaped uterus
Congenital Uterine Malformation by Experts (CUME): better criteria for distinguishing between normal/arcuate and septate uterus?
Comparison of the ESHRE–ESGE and ASRM classifications of Müllerian duct anomalies in everyday practice
Are the ESHRE/ESGE criteria of female genital anomalies for diagnosis of septate uterus appropriate?
Accuracy of hysterosalpingo-foam sonography in comparison to hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography with air/saline and to laparoscopy with dye
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Poniedziałek – Piątek
8.00 – 20.00